
Installing Pebble SDK 2.0


The Pebble is a smartwatch developed by Pebble Technology and released in 2013 that was funded via the crowd fundingplatform Kickstarter. You can visit them at

Download and install the Pebble SDK

  1. Download the latest version of the SDK
  2. Open a terminal window, and create a directory to host all Pebble tools:
     mkdir ~/pebble-dev/
  3. Change into that directory and unzip the Pebble SDK that you just downloaded:
     cd ~/pebble-dev/
     tar -zxf ~/Downloads/PebbleSDK-2.0.0.tar.gz

    You should now have the directory ~/pebble-dev/PebbleSDK-2.0.0 with the SDK files and directories inside it.

  4. Add the pebble tool to your path and re-load your shell configuration:
     echo 'export PATH=~/pebble-dev/PebbleSDK-2.0.0/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.profile
     source ~/.profile
  5. You can now continue on and install the compiler toolchain.

Download and install the Pebble ARM toolchain

Download the pre-compiled toolchain for Ubuntu (~140MB).

If you are running a 32 bit system, you should use the pre-compiled toolchain for Ubuntu 32 bits instead.

Open a terminal and extract the file into ~/pebble-dev/ with these commands (the result will be around 400 MB in size):

cd ~/pebble-dev/PebbleSDK-2.0.0
tar -zxf ~/Downloads/arm-cs-tools-ubuntu-universal.tar.gz

You now should have a directory named arm-cs-tools inside ~/pebble-dev/PebbleSDK-2.0.0. The SDK will automatically detect and use them.

Download and install Python libraries

The Pebble SDK depends on Python libraries to convert fonts and images from your computer into Pebble resources.

You use the standard Ubuntu package manager to install the Python pip package manager and then install the other prerequisites.

sudo apt-get install python-pip python2.7-dev
pip install --user -r ~/pebble-dev/PebbleSDK-2.0.0/requirements.txt